3D Trick Art Gallery. Enjoy your magical Journey.

Come and enjoy more than 50 Trick Art throughout our 1250 square metre indoor space.

Journey through our 5 themes:
Classic Art, Kiwi Life, Challenge, Fantasy, Grand Nature.
Unique Experience

We offer you a chance to enjoy the unique and special moment of being a part of New Zealand at 3D Trick Art Gallery.

Great Fun

5 themes featuring New Zealand Life and extra will keep you entertained for hours. Over 50 pieces of life-size and hyper realistic murals inspired by New Zealand nature and life style.


3D Trick Art Gallery is indoor activity that you can enjoy in the rain, hail or shine. We also open late until 7pm on Friday, Saturday.

How to make the most of your visit.

1. Create a story with your 5 best photoshots - be creative!
2. Share your best shot with us. HASHTAG #3dtrickrotorua or post it on our facebook page for your chance to win.
We feature the best photo on our facebook page & award prizes to the winner in regular basis.
3. Follow 3D Trick Art on facebook and instagram. Look out for our regular events.

Secret of Trick Art

3D Trick Art is to enable people to experience an optical illusion of three dimensional structures from two dimensional paintings using scientific drawing technique and special paint. For drawing technique, perspective and shading are basically applied to complete a stereogram (Three-dimensional painting). In addition to the drawing technique, high transparency paint is used to generate a special layer that increases curve and reflection rate of light. This combination gives the artworks different perceptions from different angles.

History of Trick Art

The history of trick art is originated from trompe l'oeil (trick of the eye) in 17th century France. It was generally referred to as Baroque.
Trompe-l'œil is an art technique that uses realistic imagery to create the optical illusion that the depicted objects exist in three dimensions.
The theme of the concept at the 3D Trick Art Gallery is essentially the same as the illusionism of that era.
Trick art was originally created to entertain guests at high-class parties.
Art works were painted on the wall and floor as if they were real objects to create optical illusions and pleasantly deceive guests.

How to get to 3D Trick Art Gallery


171 Fairy Springs Road
New Zealand

Contact us: +64 (0) 7 349 0920
Write us: info@3dtrickart.co.nz

Group Enquiry: tylor@rotoruaheritagefarm.co.nz (022-500-3010)

Special Offer!!

Limited Time Only

Price Special Price
Adults $25 $20
Under 5 years FREE FREE
Children (5-15 years) $18 $15
Family Pass(2ad + 2chd) $86 $60