How about attractions in Rotorua for this school holidays?
School holidays start from this weekend which means here comes time to get your children bored and irritated. And it is also about the time for weary parents to consider what to do for the school holidays. Here are some options about attractions in Rotorua to help parents survive the next two weeks.
Firstly, Geothermal hot pool is the one must visit in Rotorua. Polynesian Spa( is New Zealand's iconic spa, providing a unique thermal spa experience on the Lake Rotorua. If you are interested in treating yourself to revitalising body therapy, the geothermal mud bath and spa in Hell Gate( are very popular. Hot pool and spa are also available in many tourists’ accommodations in Rotorua so that may save your money.
Secondly, Rotorua is the city for refreshing yourselves enjoying New Zealand native nature. You may have experienced that untouched wildlife and nature in Rotorua. How about refreshing and renewing yourselves through the Redwood tracking.
Thirdly, you can have the opportunity to tour a traditional animal farm in Rotorua. Along with this school holiday, a brand new farm tour attraction named ‘The Farm Tour(’ is to have grand opening offering fun and educational farm tour on a farm tractor and exciting sheep dog herding show.
Secondly, Rotorua is the city for refreshing yourselves enjoying New Zealand native nature. You may have experienced that untouched wildlife and nature in Rotorua. How about refreshing and renewing yourselves through the Redwood tracking.
Thirdly, you can have the opportunity to tour a traditional animal farm in Rotorua. Along with this school holiday, a brand new farm tour attraction named ‘The Farm Tour(’ is to have grand opening offering fun and educational farm tour on a farm tractor and exciting sheep dog herding show.
Next, numbers of outdoor activities are available in Rotorua. The most recommended outdoor activities are Skyline’s luge and Canopy Tours( flying with Zipline through the trees in New Zealand native forest

Lastly, you have to take account indoor activities in case of bad weather condition. For family indoor activity, I recommend 3D Trick Art Gallery(, which is the first ‘Trick Art’ gallery with unique New Zealand themed Trick Art. Throughout the 1250 square metre indoor space, more than 50 trick artworks are displayed in 5 themes including Classic Art, Kiwi Life, Challenge, Fantasy, Grand Nature. As it is an indoor gallery, cold winter weather doesn’t bother you. And you don’t have to worry about the bad weather such as a strong wind or heavy rain and hail
It is always wise to choose Rotorua for your holiday destination for the school holiday as there are various choices of attractions and activities available to satisfy both children and parents.
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It is always wise to choose Rotorua for your holiday destination for the school holiday as there are various choices of attractions and activities available to satisfy both children and parents.
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